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Targeted Lifecycle Communications



Service Customer Relationship Marketing

Service Customer Relationship Marketing

Land Rover Service CRM creates revenue opportunities with direct mail, email, phone and SMS text messaging. These communications are designed to get customers to take action and build relationships by showing them you care about the safety and performance of their vehicle.

Program Features/Benefits:

High-impact mailers are sent at strategic intervals to match the service needs of your customers.

Each communication is designed to address customers during every phase of the ownership lifecycle, with focus on four key areas:

  • Service Reminder Communications
  • Non-Responsive Follow-Up Communications
  • Declined Service Communications
  • Supplemental Customer Communications

Service CRM Phone Calls/SMS Text Messaging

Phone calls and SMS Text Messages provide additional channels to connect with your customers. First Appointment phone calls and reminder messages reinforce your direct and email communications while a series of text messages are sent at strategic times in the ownership lifecycle.

Opportunity Based Marketing

Opportunity Based Marketing

Opportunity Based Marketing is a retailer-focused marketing program that leverages advanced analytics and predictive modeling to identify customers who are most likely to respond to campaigns featuring targeted service offers that meet their specific service needs.

Utilizing predictive analytics, Opportunity Based Marketing continuously analyzes customer data to identify which owners are most likely to need specific services and which are prime candidates for retention and loyalty-based communications. Owners with the highest propensity to respond are targeted for communications based on a combination of factors, including:

  • Propensity to be in the market for specific vehicle services and/or repairs
  • Service history
  • Current and/or future value to Land Rover
  • Customer segmentation

Program Features/Benefits:

Opportunity Based Marketing Campaigns: Core

These campaigns are designed to support the key drivers of service retention and market penetration. They support your service initiatives and feature the following categories:

Brakes – Features offers highlighting brake parts and service
Targeted Car Care – Includes offers designed to encourage vehicle performance and genuine parts and service
Ride and Handling – Incents owners to maintain the exceptional ride and handling of their vehicle with featured offers

Opportunity Based Marketing Campaigns: Supplemental

These campaigns focus on increasing loyalty and improving market penetration. The supplemental campaign categories are as follows:

Loyalty – Looks at the history of loyal customer behavior including recency, frequency and spend
Service Defector – Targets customers who have not been in for service for 24+ months but show likelihood to need service
Owner Anniversary – Targets owners with a special anniversary discount for those that purchased their vehicle within the sending quarter
Tire Rebate – Leverages national tire rebates when available to target customers shown to be in the market for tires or tire repairs
Retention/Market Penetration Builder – Targets customers associated with your business builder objectives

OnDemand Email

OnDemand Email

With OnDemand Email, you can create an unlimited number of custom, dynamic emails to promote special offers and sales events or target specific customers. Plus, it’s a quick and easy way to boost sales and service revenue for a low monthly fee.

  • 3 ways to build campaigns: Deploy a campaign in 2 clicks using the new Instant Campaigns feature – pre-built, themed campaigns with preset imagery, language, and coupons. If the pre-built option is not for you, take advantage of the new Mix & Match feature – start with an Instant Campaign and swap out select components. If you prefer to start from scratch, check out the Traditional Campaign Builder.
  • Offer library and custom (Write-Your-Own) offers
  • Direct links to your website and schedule service sites
  • Retailer customization – dynamic email headlines, custom messaging, dealership name, address, phone, hours of operation, website and offers
  • Weekly email append services to update your customer database
  • Retailer List Upload capabilities
  • No hassle online creative review, proofing and approval process with next day campaign delivery
  • Design support available from your Epsilon Retailer Marketing Consultant
  • Private domain and IP addresses to ensure a stronger sender reputation and increased deliverability with ISPs (Internet Service Providers)
    OnDemand Direct Mail

    OnDemand Direct Mail

    With OnDemand Direct Mail, you can respond to changes in your business faster. This quick turnaround program enables you to reach out to your current and inactive customers, as well as optional conquest customers with precisely targeted messages designed to increase service traffic and customer loyalty.

    Tailored or Template

    Two Ways to Meet Your Business Needs

    You can customize every aspect of your OnDemand Direct Mail campaign or choose a standard template for the quickest, most turnkey option. Our catalogue of standard mailers includes regularly updated templates. Or you can create a custom communication tailored to meet your timing and business needs. Just add your retailer information and choose your offers and we will get your mailers out to your selected list of customers.

    Land Rover OnDemand Direct Mail Benefits Include:

    • Timing flexibility – may be deployed anytime to your specifications
    • Several options to personalize – retailer name, address, slogan,hours of operation, contact number, credit cards accepted, logo, map, optional digital photo of your choice
    • Multiple offer options
    • Conquest list options available

    Click the Enroll Now button to view and enroll in available campaigns.

    TLC Social

    TLC Social TLC Social

    Attract customers with targeted video ads on social media.

    TLC Social, the newest addition to our marketing suite, extends your Service CRM and OBM communications by serving Facebook and Instagram ads to your customers encouraging them to come in for service.

    Data segmentation will be used to determine the right message and offer to the right customer.

    Your targeted customers will be directed to a retailer branded landing page where they can view their offer and schedule service at your retailer.


    Program Features/Benefits:


    Facebook and Instagram Social Video Integration

    A compelling video service message will be designed to engage and motivate your customers to learn more about the personalized offers that await them.

    Offers for TLC Social will reflect those from your existing Service CRM and OBM direct mail and email cadence.

    Your Monthly Investment Includes:

    • Media
    • Campaign Setup
    • Creative Development – including videos and landing pages
    • Ongoing Campaign Optimization
    • Analytics Targeting
    • Automated deployments
    • Field Support
    • Reporting